Who is Teaching Our Men?

You are my dear! You are the teacher for a man when you are his lover. There is the story of a spiritual teacher who was offered a night of love by one of his students and he answered, “Thank you, but no. I don’t sleep with my students.” The Goddess’s answer as she looked … Read more

Advances in Pleasure

There have been a number of times in my career as an author and an educator that I’ve shaken my natural curls in wonder, asking “what will they think of next?”. I am a great believer in enhancement. Why shouldn’t we enhance ourselves? Women have been doing this for as long as we have lived. … Read more

How Antidepressants Impact Orgasmic Response

by Caroline Muir Difficulty reaching satisfying orgasmic response for people taking SSRI’s (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors, aka antidepressants) used in the treatment of depression, anxiety, and some personality disorders has become a much-discussed complaint as a side-effect of these drugs. The list reads something like this: Fluoxetine, Paroxetine, Sertraline, Citalopram, Escitalopram, Dapoxetine, Seproxetine, Zimelidine, Mesembrine. I … Read more