Gabriel, Angel in Disguise

Yes, that’s me in the photo … rushing through the elegant and brightly lit three-story Multiplaza Mall in Panama City with one thing on my mind … where the heck is that little dance shop where I can buy tickets to Capellia, the Ballet that is coming to town? Quite suddenly, a bright-eyed stranger pops … Read more

A Shakti Success Story

Meet Franca Baroni, Attorney at Law. She showed up at my door last year for her three-day Immersion, but she did not look like this. Her aura was gray… her demeanor somewhat guarded and uncertain. She told me of her childhood growing up in an area close to the northern border of Italy, being educated … Read more

Blessing my Legacy Forward

When you’ve spent decades of your adult life refining and teaching a leading-edge transformational body of work like I have, you want to have someone you trust to take it forward… a Lineage Carrier or Legacy Holder. I’ve spent so much time living my life with very little actual “view from the top” of what … Read more

Who is Teaching Our Men?

You are my dear! You are the teacher for a man when you are his lover. There is the story of a spiritual teacher who was offered a night of love by one of his students and he answered, “Thank you, but no. I don’t sleep with my students.” The Goddess’s answer as she looked … Read more

Opening the Portal to Winter

Long hours of snuggling under down comforters with my honey… pots of hot Chai steaming on the stove… the promise of many long conversations by the fire stretching out on sheepskin rugs in sexy flannels… Gazing at the patio wet with a late fall rain, yellow and red leaves litter the grey stones from the … Read more