Eros, Love, & Desire

“Despite all of our best efforts, Eros will not be silenced. Eros is still here whether it shows up in secret shameful desires or secret shameful eating… in rebellious acts of sexual delight or lonely acts of sexual desperation. The erotic is in our buildings and bridges, our high art and low porn. It is … Read more

Personal Reflections from Panama-My Year in Retrospect

Panama City Skyline Caroline Muir

Latin America feels pretty darn good! I suppose I’m “semi-retired” now! I turn 75 years young on November 10, and I’m fine with celebrating aging in numbers as long as I don’t feel that number! Often, I feel 17… or 37… or 57… having no clue what 75 is supposed to feel like, so I just … Read more

A Shakti Success Story

Meet Franca Baroni, Attorney at Law. She showed up at my door last year for her three-day Immersion, but she did not look like this. Her aura was gray… her demeanor somewhat guarded and uncertain. She told me of her childhood growing up in an area close to the northern border of Italy, being educated … Read more

My Breast Friends

How many times have you criticized your own breasts? How many times have you hated them or wished they were different? Or are they your breast friends? One in eight women will develop invasive breast cancer during her lifetime. It is the fifth most common cause of death from cancer in women. The rates of … Read more

The Anatomy of Desire

Blue Eyes of Desire

Desire… passion… lust… ardor… love. These are compelling emotions. When they rise in me, like a wave upon the sea, I must hang onto something if I am to maintain any form of balance. This wave sweeps me into a cauldron of turbulence long before I land into anything formally familiar, such as peaceful serenity. … Read more